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BeRex Introduces Next-Generation Wide-Band, Digitally Controlled Variable Gain Amplifier
 May 19, 2023|View:33

BeRex has announced a new product, the BVA518C, which is a high-performance, digitally-controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA) that operates from 5 MHz to 4 GHz and is intended for 5G/4G/3G wireless infrastructure, microwave and satellite point-to-point radios, and general-purpose high-performance wireless applications demanding flat gain, component integration, and ease of implementation.

The BVA518C integrates a high-performance Digital Step Attenuator (DSA) and a high-linearity, broadband gain block amplifier that are internally matched to 50 ohms; thus, it requires only a few external matching components. It can control 6-bit attenuation with 0.5 dB steps, up to 31.5 dB, and will initialize to the maximum attenuation setting upon power-up and hold there until the next programming word is inputted. It provides safe attenuation state transitions with excellent attenuation accuracy of: ±(0.25 + 3% x ATT) @ 1.9 GHz.

The BVA518C has an operating voltage range of 4.75V to 5.25V DC for the AMP and 2.7V to 5.5V for the DSA and is packaged in a lead-free and RoHS2-compliant, 24-lead 4mm x 4mm x 0.9mm QFN SMT package.

BeRex was set up in 2004 to design, develop, manufacture, and market compound semiconductors for mobile communication. Operating without any debt since 2007, BeRex has been generating profits every year. In 2008, BeRex entered the US radar satellite communication equipment market by establishing a wholly-owned subsidiary named 'BeRex, Inc.' located in San Jose, California.

BeRex is now diversifying its products and markets using technologies such as 'silicon-germanium semiconductor' and 'silicon insulating film semiconductor' in addition to 'compound semiconductor'. They export to 20 countries and are a supplier to hundreds of companies around the world.

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